Farm Animals WebQuest

Additional Resources


Have you ever been to a farm?  Do you know what animals live there and who takes care of them?  Do you know what the animals look like?  Have you ever wondered what sounds they make or what they eat?  Do you wonder what foods the animals produce?  This webquest will give you these answers and more.                               Back to the Top

You will be working with a partner to identify various characteristics about farm life.  By the end of this activity, you will not only present your findings by creating your own farms,  but you will also compare farm life to city life.                                    Back to the Top

Day 1Introduction.
Day 2What animals live on farms?

Day 2—Who takes care of the farm animals?

Day 4—What  are the different kinds of farms and  what foods do they give us?

Day 5—If I were building a farm, what would it look like?

Day 6—How is the farm different from a city.

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Additional Resourses

 The rubric below represents how you will be graded.   









Identify animals that live on farms, what they eat, and what sounds they make.

Students can only identify one or two farm animals and do not know what sounds the animals make or what foods they eat.

Students can identify two to four animals on the farm.  However, they are confused about the animal’s sounds and the foods they consume.

Students can identify four or more various animals on the farm, what they eat, and the sounds they make.


Understand the role of a farmer.


Students cannot explain any duties of the farmer.

Students can only tell one or two things that farmers are responsible for doing.

Students can explain 3 or more duties that farmers are responsible for doing.


Students will identify the products that come from different types of farms.


Students don’t know any or can only describe one type of farm.  However, s/he does not know what foods are produced there. 

Students describe one or two different farms and what comes from them.

Students can accurately explain 3 or more different farms and the foods that come from them.


Create a visual representation of a farm that displays animals, the foods they eat, who takes care of them, and the foods they produce.


Students create a farm that accurately depicts one out of the four elements.

Students create a farm that accurately depicts two to three of the project elements.

Students create a farm representation that shows accurately displays all of the elements.


Can identify differences between the farm and the city.

The student cannot distinguish between the city and farm at all.  While one ore two pictures are in the correct category, the rest are out of place. 

The student can identify most characteristics of the city and farm, placing only one or two pictures in the wrong category.   

Each picture is classified into the appropriate box, demonstrating that the student can easily identify characteristics of the city and farm. 


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Good Job!!! You have successfully completed all of the tasks and now know all about farms. If you want to learn more information, click on additional resources.

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